Payment & Shopping Guide

- Guest
- New Registrant
- Registered User
Step 3 Express Checkout Lane
You need to enter your Billing Information : Name, Address , Email Address , Contact Number , Shipping Details (if you are shipping to a different address from your billing address)
- Select your desired shipping method ( Click to view options available )
- Select your prefered payment method
For your convenience, You can place your order by SMS-ing or WhatsApp-ing to +65 97772176
1) The item/s you wish to purchase ( product name or sku code. )2) A vaild email address
Monday - Fridays : 11pm ~ 8pm
Question: What are your Payment Methods ?
1) Cash On Delivery ( Singapore orders only )
Pay upon receiving your parcel.(N/A for Singpost Services) . Our professional courier service crew will take care of it . You will be notified in advance before arrival of your parcel.
2) Bank Funds Transfer / PAYNOW (Orders will only be processed upon payment confirmation.)
Payment instructions will be provided to you in your Order form
Step 1 : SMS or CALL +65 97772176 once payment transferred :
- Order number & $$ transferred to preferred bank.
Step 2 : Await for our response. We will reply ASAP
Please note:Funds transfer to be completed within 24 hours from time of order ( A Reminder will be send out by text message ) Order will automatically be cancelled after 24 hours if there isn't any responds.
Step 1 : Make a Paynow transfer
Step 2 : Send via UNIQUE ENTITY NO. (UEN)
Step 3 : Type UEN : 201622271D111
Step 4 : Click Done
Step 5 : Indicated your mobile number<space>last 4 digit of order number under "my initials" & SMS +65 97772176 upon transfer
" For Example : 97772176 #0388"
Or Scan & Pay before login to iBanking :
3) Use PayPal for secure Credit Card Payment (Singapore and All International orders)
All payments will be in Singapore Dollars and credit or debit card payments can be made with or without paypal registered account. However if you have difficulty in using Paypal Secure, please choose our on-site credit card payment protected using PCI DSS v3.2 security standards
What Is PayPal?
PayPal, the trusted leader in online payments, is the faster, safer way to pay for your purchases online. PayPal has over 100 million member accounts in 190 countries and regions.
Is PayPal Secure?
PayPal helps protect your credit card information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. When you use PayPal, your financial information is never shared with us.
The completed Order will display the information entered by the customer in the Payment Information box, except for the Card Verification Number.
If your transaction is under "uneligible status" after payment completed. we might need more information for verification on your purchase.
4) Use Our On-site Credit Card Payment VISA / MASTERS/ AMEX (Singapore and all International Orders)
All payments will be in Singapore Dollars and credit or debit card payments can be made.
* Security Features - Your card details are protected using PCI DSS v3.2 security standards
Your financial information is never shared with us, and will be protected by the Payment Gateway Provider regulated by our local authorities or global governance board.
You will be taken to the 'Thank you' page once your order and payment is confirmed. An email invoice will be sent to you.
5) ATOME Buy Now Pay Later - Only Available for Self Collection, POPstation Delivery, Registered Mail (Singpost) & Blitz Registered Mail
All payments will be in Singapore Dollars and credit or debit card payments can be made.
You will be taken to the 'Thank you' page once your order and payment is confirmed. An email invoice will be sent to you.